Fraud Policy
Running Room On-line Security Policy:
What we can do to protect ourselves - short of not accepting online credit card orders?
No order is accepted unless complete information is provided including full address and phone numbers.
We no longer accept any order originating from a free, web-based, or Email forwarding address - the customer must provide an ISP or domain based address. One that can be traced back to a "real" person.
Since the list of these types of Email addresses is growing daily, we check every Email address. We don't accept orders unless the Email/domain is a legitimate website or ISP - something that can provide definitive identification of the Email address in question. This method is not full-proof. When in doubt, go to step number.
If in doubt, we call the phone number listed on the order. We will alert many cardholders that their card information was being used by making this phone call. On the other hand, the party on the other end may have never heard of the "customer." This results in a call to the issuing bank of the credit card to alert their fraud department.
Out of Country Orders:
The last area of concern is shipping orders out of our own country. We will ship only within Canada if a Canadian order and use only our USA locations to ship to USA locations - no cross border shipping. We unfortunately can not ship outside of the continent due to issues related to freight costs and duty concerns.
Matching order address to credit card applicant address.
Running Room cannot confirm the price of an item until after your order is placed and recognizes that pricing errors may occur. Running Room reserves the right to cancel any orders containing subsequent pricing errors, with no further obligations to you, even if you are in receipt of an order confirmation or shipping notice from Running Room.
We confirm in all cases the address and phone number supplied on the order matches that of the credit card applicant as verified by the credit card company. We may also call the purchaser back to verify the purchase.
Email and Text Message Fraud
Phishing is a type of scheme that uses fraudulent email, web pages and text messages to gather personal, financial and sensitive information for the purpose of identity theft. Most commonly, users receive spam email (mass email messaging), text messages and pop-up windows that appear to come from legitimate businesses. People have been tricked by these deceptive solicitations into sharing passwords, social insurance, credit card and bank account numbers.
How phishing works
Phishing emails and text messages are often sent out as spam to numerous recipients and appear to come from legitimate businesses, sometimes even duplicating legitimate logos and text. Within a phishing email, you may be requested to click on a link that takes you to a fraudulent site or pop-up window where you are asked to submit personal and financial information. A phishing text message may request that you send personal information back to the sender through text message or call a phone number.
What phishers do with your personal information
Phishers can access your accounts using your passwords and other information to withdraw money or make purchases. Personal information can also be used by phishers to open new bank or credit card accounts in your name.
What to look for in a valid message from Running Room
The message below illustrates some of the email components that are acceptable in an email coming from Running Room. Running Room will never send you an email or text message asking you for personal or financial information.
Signs that your message may be a phishing email
The message below illustrates some of the email components that are not acceptable in a Running Room email. For example, phishers may use a valid email name "Running Room: Tell A Friend", but the actual email address does not belong to Running Room.
You can verify email addresses by viewing the properties of the address.
You can right click on the address and select "Properties" to determine the actual address of the sender.
Running Room email best practices
- Running Room sends:
- Solicited emails that respond to customer requests
- Welcome emails - members, run club and training program
- Purchase receipts - shop, race entry, training program entry, giving
- Clinic instruction email - user opt in only
- Run Club email - user opt in only
- Removal requests Running Room does not send emails:
- Asking customers to provide, confirm or update personal records
- From a third party address or link to a third party site
- Containing no information about why a customer is receiving email
- Requiring an urgent response